Moshiach, a find and a scorpion!

“Three things come unexpectedly to a person: Moshiach, a found object, and a scorpion.” – (Sanhedrin 97a)


Indeed, regarding Moshiach it is written (Malachi 3:1), “And suddenly, – He will enter His Sanctuary!”

The secret in the Gemara is that when Moshiach comes for some people it will be like finding a lost treasure and for others it will be like a scorpion that comes to kill you. Not everyone will have the merit to enter into the Moshiach’s Kingdom, but only those who make teshuvah (repent). One must repent before Moshiach’s coming not after. For after his coming it is too late! In the King’s Kingdom (Dan.7:14) there will be no more converts or baal teshuvah’s.

What is Moshiach to you, a lost treasure or a scorpions bite? Do you await his return or his coming?

The Talmud (Sanhedrin) states: “Three things come unexpectedly: Moshiach, a ‘find’ (metzia), and a scorpion,” i.e., the Redemption will be as much of a surprise as finding a “metzia” or being stung by a scorpion. This is despite the fact that we are to constantly pray for and hope for the Redemption. The Maharsha explains why in this statement Moshiach is mentioned together with a metzia and a scorpion. “If he merits, Moshiach’s coming will be like the unexpected appearance of a metzia, he will rejoice and it will be good for him. But if he doesn’t merit, Moshiach’s coming will be like the unexpectedness or the bite of a scorpion…” -(Midrash Yalkut Shimoni 2:585)

“I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah, and though he may tarry, still I await him every day.”




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